Check out our blog! Hablamos is interesting and fun information to learn Spanish and get to know Madrid

Check out our blog! Hablamos is interesting and fun information to learn Spanish and get to know Madrid

How to order a coffee in Madrid

How to order a coffee in Spanish

So, let’s start with the basics, the most common coffee that you can pick up in Spain and the one…

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In the market for a good market

In the market for a good market!

From the famous flea market “the Rastro” to the foody paradise of Mercado San Miguel, Madrid offers…

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Menú del día

So what is this menú? It is short for menú del día or menu of the day...

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5 tips on how to study Spanish in Madrid

5 tips on how to study Spanish in Madrid

Right, let’s look at some of the best ways then to study Spanish once you’re here in Madrid

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An Art Lovers Guide to Madrid!

An Art Lovers Guide to Madrid!

Spanish culture (la cultura española) means different things to different people. The food, the…

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Ernest Hemingway's Madrid

Ernest Hemingway’s Madrid

Madrid may not be recognizable from the same town Ernest Hemingway (el gran escritor) first visited…

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Las fiestas: The best festivals in Spain

Las fiestas: The best festivals in Spain

Let’s take a look at some of the biggest and most widely celebrated fiestas in this extraordinary…

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Learning Spanish in Madrid: the 5 top activities

Top 5 things to do in Madrid

Here's a rundown of the top 5 things (in no particular order!) to do in this amazing city

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